

Monday, 10 February 2014

5 Quick Diet Tips

Hey Guys,

Here are 5 quick unorthodox tips (see what I did there...) to improve your nutrition plan.

1) Drink more water. If you're training once a day I'm talking 3-4 litres and if twice I'm talking 5-6. You wouldn't believe the effect that this has!

2) Take care of your digestion. What good id it to be taking in all those nutrients if you can't absorb them? Start taking a pro biotic a day and start including things like sauerkraut in your diet.

3) Having massive hunger pangs on a diet? Double your fibrous green veg intake. Eat 2kg of broccoli a day then tell me you;'re hungry :)

4) Incorporate proper pre, intra and post workout nutrition. It really makes a massive difference. No, those crappy pre workout formulas don't count!

5) Experiment with fasting. 

Stay Healthy,


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