

Monday, 10 February 2014


Hey Guys,

Hope everything is going well with everyone and you are all killing it in everything you do.

It’s funny, but every time I talk to people who are creative, great at their sport or job or just all
roundly living a full, dynamic and full life, they all have one thing in common.


They all take action. Now I don’t mean sitting around, thinking about doing something, weighing up the pros and cons, evaluating their next step. They just start. They make a decision of what they want, what it’s going to cost them (time, money, sacrifice) and they just start. They don’t wait around or get bogged down by stuff, they just start and problem solve as they go along.

I think a big problem these days is that we are crushed by this wealth of information. This information often conflicts itself and only helps to provide doubt and fear. We get smashed by the ideal that we have toknow absolutely everything about a topic or project to even say to people we are starting it.


The world won’t end if we fail. Hell, we may even learn a shit load about ourselves and become a better person if we fail! Failure really isn’t that big of a deal. It won’t kill you or destroy your life in the long term, but since we have been conditioned from an early age to think that being a ‘failure’ is one of the worst things, we are paralyzed by fear.

We take no action. We stagnate.

I want it to be known, when I am dead and long gone that I was never afraid to fail. That I jumped into stuff two feet first and solved problems as I went. That I made a LOT of mistakes but my successes are all my own.

Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t strive to be educated in a field, just don’t let the thought of failure stop you from taking action.

Doing SOMETHING is always better than doing nothing. No one ever achieved a life of their dreams by just sitting there and researching it on the internet.

This is especially true when it comes to nutrition. There are that many different strategy’s out there that many just get analysis paralysis and simply not start till they have done (you guessed it) more research. The truth is that pretty much all of these plans work. The best thing you can do is pick one you like, try it out and adjust it based on the results that you get.

If you don’t know how to make the adjustments, either speak to your coach or hire a professional.

The most important thing to do is start! Start training, start eating right, start taking ACTION! Don’t be bogged down and in turn do nothing, even a little something is better than nothing!

Remember, you’re not going to die. You’ll be fine and probably end up a better person as well.

Stay healthy,


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