

Monday, 10 February 2014

Do shit that works.

Hey Guys,

Today I want to babble on about shit that works.

Now this doesn't mean I want to talk about what super secret shit I'm doing with my clients (I'm not doing anything secret) or super supplements that will change your life (they aren't any). I want to talk about people that will peg themselves to one way of thinking and simply not move from it. Now the nutrition biz is full of people who are coming up with all sorts of voodoo in order to get you to part with your hard earned monies.

Now say that this voodoo works with some people and gets some results. This is generally what happens next,
  1. Person hears about new nutritional voodoo
  2. Person reads up on said voodoo.
  3. Person gets mind raped my shiny packaging and fancy words 
  4. Person tries voodoo.
  5. Person gets results (loses fat, gains muscle, can stick to walls and ceilings, has proportionate strength of spider)
  6. Person tells every human they come into contact with
  7. Person writes off every other nutritional strategy ever created.
Now this isn't just one type of nutritional plan. It happens with them all! All of sudden nothing else works and this is the future and people become fanatical about the protection of said plan. Now don't get me wrong, I use a LARGE array of nutritions strategies with clients from carb back loading to fasting etc etc.

However IN MY OPINION these are all tools that can be used to gain the best results for the client.

One is not better than the other. The problem comes when people disregard results just to protect a theory. Now I know I say it all the time but results beat everything. Let me repeat that,

If you got great results with a client making them eat just jelly (jello to my USA readers) and celery then I would love a chat with you! I will always listen to any theory IF IT IS GETTING RESULTS AND IS HEALTHY FOR THE CLIENT.

The same goes for studies. If there is a coach out there who is getting amazing results with all his clients by doing something a little different (John Meadows is a great example here) then people seem to come out of the wood work to scream "BUT WHERE ARE THE STUDIES?!" I don't need to see the studies if the coach is getting repeatable results with a broad range of clients.

Basically what I'm trying to say with this rant is that you should take in all information, try it, decide if it's for you. No one is different and not everything works for everyone. 

Do something that other find strange? Go completely against the grain with something or do everything 'by the book'? Let me know about it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @mike_unorthodox

Also got an amazing offer dropping this week on the social media this week so keep checking!!

Stay Healthy,


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