Hey Guys,
Welcome to the new(ish) blog of Unorthodox Nutrition.
Now some of you may have read my old blog over at Wordpress,
however due to really crappy service from them (what kind of company can’t
respond to 20+ E mails in 2 weeks?) we have moved here to our new home.
For those who have now joined me, HI!
This will be the place that I ramble on and cover a lot of
topics that range from,
- · My own experiences.
- · Things that happen with clients.
- · My thoughts on the industry and topics in nutrition and combat sports
- · Product reviews
- · Articles
- · Interviews
- · Product launches
- · Plus any other cool or weird stuff I feel like rambling about.
For those new to the blog and Unorthodox Nutrition, here is
a little bit about what I do.
Nutrition have been working with athletes worldwide from local stars
right the way through to UFC fighters, Premiership Footballers and World
Champions to help them achieve their goals in a highly efficient manor.
specialize in helping combat athletes lose
fat and gain muscle so that they can operate to the maximum of their
potential during training and competition.
We also work with a number of
recreational clients that have big events such as weddings, holidays and photos
on the horizon.
At Unorthodox Nutrition we dedicate
ourselves to giving you the most optimal plan that will yield the greatest
results in the quickest time possible. We don't use a cookie cutter plan on
anybody, we assess the needs of the individual.
We've found that most people who try
diets either get sick or fail at them, then presume that they can't lose
We offer an individualised approach
that we have used with athletes, that is tailor made to a persons needs
and life style. This starts with a full evaluation of what they are currently
doing, eating, how much time they have and what time constraints they have
(family, kids, work, school etc). What we then do is either come up with a
meal plan or a base of foods for you to eat (or can just give you calories etc)
then make weekly evaluations and tweaks to the plan so you keep losing fat as
you move towards your goal.
It is this adjustment and knowing what
to adjust that makes the BIG differences!
Basically I help people get into great
I have developed a bit of a niche and
work with mainly female combat athletes, however I will work with anyone
(providing you’re not lazy or a massive douche).
As I had a lot of content over on the other blog, I will be
moving all of this over ASAP as not to lose it all.
In the meantime, if you are interested in reading a little
bit more about what I do or what I have done previously, feel free to check out
these links.
Feel free to hit me up on that social network stuff as well,
Facebook – Unorthodox Nutrition
Twitter - @mike_unorthodox
Instagram – mikeunorthodox
Pintrest – UnorthNutrition
Or if you want to chat about anything specific or have any
questions at all, then drop me a line at HERE
Stay healthy,
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