

Monday, 27 October 2014

Is your diet missing these important points? Quick checks for brides and Grooms!

They say the devil is in the details.

When it comes to diet and nutrition plans this mostly isn’t the case. If you have the major parts sorted out (calories, marco nutrients) then you most certainly will lose weight for a good period of time.

The problem comes when you stop losing weight. What do you do then? What advice do you trust?

If you where to ask any form of diet question on your Facebook you would be overwhelmed by advice. Some would be sound advice (try tracking what you are actually eating, try dropping a few calories etc) and some would be silly and even dangerous (try this shake based diet, try the egg/cabbage/raw food diet).

Before you go running off to try the latest diet craze and possibly kill all your progress, make sure that you are doing the following things consistently.

1.     Make sure you are drinking enough water. While drinking 2 litres per day is recommended, the magic happens at about 3-4 litres per day. This will keep you hydrated, make you fuller for longer, improve your health and make your hair, skin and nails look much better.
2.     Are you exercising? While a lot of people focus on the latest fad diet, they often forget to make sure that they are exercising 3-4 times per week. This will burn calories, tone your muscles and give you that perfect body shape for the honeymoon.
3.     Make sure that if you are exercising, you are working hard enough. Simply sitting on a bike while reading a magazine or walking on a treadmill while watching TV simply isn’t going to get the job done. You should be sweating, breathing hard and feeling like you have actually accomplished something when you have finished.
4.     Are you focused on your health? Having a diet that is ridiculously low in calories, vitamins and nutrients will not only make you ill, but will make it ten times harder to lose weight. Make sure what you are doing is sensible and healthy!
5.     Are you undoing all your hard work at the weekends? Any diet plan, no matter how intelligent and well thought out can be undone with a weekend of binge eating and drinking. It’s fine to have a treat (all my clients do), just make sure that you go about it in a smart way. A nice meal and a few drinks is a lot different to a couple of bottles of wine and endless takeaways and chocolate!

The truth of the matter is that almost everyone can get in shape for their wedding and honey moon as long as they use a sensible plan and give themselves enough time to get the job done. To give you an idea of how long you will need, a healthy, smart weight loss rate is one pound per week. Use this to get an idea for how long you will need to get the look you want.

Remember, if anyone is trying to convince you to do a diet and it involves taking a large amount of a product (shakes, pill, potions etc) or focuses on one type of food or starves you, it is a bad idea! Good nutrition is healthy, filling and flexible!

Stay Healthy,


Mike Leng is the owner of Unorthodox Nutrition. He helps Brides, Grooms, athletes and gym goers get into the best shape of their lives through smart, healthy, whole food plans. You can find him HERE

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