

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Product Review - MyProtein Wrist Straps

Hey Guys,

Today I am going to be talking about MyProtein Wrist Support Straps

Wrist straps are used when lifting weights to protect the lifter from sprains, strains and other injuries. They do this by supporting the wrist, allowing it to stay in a straight line under the bar while remaining flexible.

Here is what MyProtein have to say about the product,

Product Overview

The Myprotein Wrist Wraps are designed to offer enhanced comfort and support to wrists while reducing the risk of sprains and injury during workouts.
Made from durable cotton these elasticated wraps are fully adjustable and fasten with a strong Velcro grip. They are complete with an elasticated thumb loop for added comfort and easy wrapping.
Sold in pairs, our wrist wraps are approximately 30cm long and stretch to fit all wrist sizes.

Key Benefits

  • Elasticated & fully adjustable
  • Supports wrists
  • Thumb loop for easy fit
When I got the straps I was impressed by the look and quality of the product. However after a few uses and washes the stitching on the right hand strap started to come undone, making it impossible to use.

I E mailed MyProtein with the details of what had happened and within a few days a brand new pair of straps was on my doorstep.

I am very happy to say that the new straps stood up to numerous tests and washes with not one stitch coming loose. The wraps really supported my wrists and allowed my to push things when going for Rep PRs and trying to break actual PRs.

While many will say that your wrists get all the support they need from heavy training and devices such as these are a crutch, I use these as a precaution to protect myself from injury. As an athlete I want the majority of my focus to be in my sport and not in the weight room. Tweaking a wrist or injuring myself in a way that keeps me from practice is counter productive to lifting in the first place.

It os for this reason that I highly recommend you picking some of these up!

The Wrist Straps can be purchased from MyProtein for £7.99 (don't forget that all clients also get discount!)

Stay Healthy,


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