

Friday, 31 October 2014

What's happening with me.

Hey Guys,

Recently I realise that I have been posting a lot of content about what has been going on at the business end of Unorthodox Nutrition but not about what has been happening with myself (people want to know for some unknown reason). So today I thought I would post an update with what I have been working on.

This year I set myself the goal of improving my athletic performance. That meant I needed to get stronger, faster and more explosive. I also wanted to do some long term metabolism maintenance (or reverse dieting as some people call it).

As regular readers will know that I am a big fan of Jim Wendlers 5/3/1. This is because while it focuses on strength it can be adapted to fit any goal. With BJJ in mind I focus on the main lifts but add in sports specific movements and a ton of work for the lower back, abs and hamstrings plus a load of shoulder mobility as I'm a broken old man. Another big component of the plan is dynamic work such as a variety of jumps and throws to help improve explosiveness.

With this programme I have been able to improve the following lifts at a body weight of 72KG,

  • Deadlift from 165 - 200kg
  • Squat from 100 - 150KG
  • Overhead press from 60 - 90KG
While these numbers aren't going to light the world on fire, it is quite a good improvement. I only test my PRs once every 6 months and will continue to run the same programme for at least the next 6 months. After that I will be adding a lot more volume and isolation work as my wedding and honeymoon are just right round the corner :) 

The workout currently takes me about 30-45 mins depending on how much accessory work I do. Some days I'm pushed for time so I just hit the main lift and get out of there, other days when I have the time I do a lot more accessory movements.

As far as diet goes I am trying to increase my metabolic threshold while staying under 75KG. This involves using a mixture of weight, performance, the tape measure and mirror to know when to increase things. I only increase my calories at about 5% a time with the marcos of choice being fat or carbs. I will keep doing this till about March when I will start to cut back a bit of the wedding etc. I will probably do a mini diet for around 4 weeks just before Christmas just to lean out a tad.

I will keep posting updates here or if you have any direct questions, comment below or use the Q&A

Stay Healthy,


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