

Monday, 3 November 2014

The Eat as much as you want Diet

Hey Guys,

Recently I've been getting quite a few messages and E mails about a post the other week on T Nation called 'The Eat as much as you want Diet' and my thoughts on it.

Well I've got to say that I do agree with quite a lot of it. It makes some great points on eating for the general population.

I thought I would do a quick post on it rather than sending the same thing to people every couple of days (all for being efficient).

Here are my thoughts in no particular order;
  • Eating whole, nutrient dense food is a fantastic idea for everyone, no exceptions.
  • Knowing exactly what foods are dense in nutrients is also another great idea.
  • Yes I have no problem with bacon, however I prefer to put the calories elsewhere for most clients.
  • Do calories matter? Yes. Yes they absolutely do. To see a reduction in weight or fat you need to lessen the amount of calories you eat.
  • This isn't always just a case of taking calories out. Everyone responds differently to macros, timing, food types etc.
  • If you are trying to get in the best shape possible or perform at your very best then you better be including calorie counting into the equation (if you are stuck on how to do this, drop me  a line HERE or see HERE).
  • Will focusing on highly nutrient dense food allow 'regular' people (non athletes) to stay in shape. Absolutely.
  • That being said for it to work it means that you need to remove all 'cheat' foods. This means no treats, alcohol or other indulgence that will make you over eat.
All people would do very well to have a closer look at the foods that they eat and make sure that they have the most nutrients in as possible, however looking for a magic diet that allows them to have zero self control simply isn't going to happen. 

To get the most out of your nutrition you need a smart, sensible plan that allows some flexibility and can be applied in the real world.

You can find the original article HERE.

Stay Healthy,


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