

Friday, 6 February 2015

Gluten Free Pizza!

Hey Guys,

Now I all know that most of you want to eat healthy, whole, nutritious food that will compliment your performance and physique goals, however sometimes you just want a bit of nice tasting food.

So what do you do when the craving strike and it's not your designated free meal?

Do you break and have some junk food or do you possibly look for a better option?

Enter the healthy pizza!

Now I've spoke before about how clients use things like recipes and my carb free pizza crust to stay in shape but today I wanted to share something with you all that is not only healthy but gluten free (for those who suffer from a gluten intolerance).

As with most of my recipes this is stolen from someone else (I freely admit this). This particular one is stolen from Elite FTS and can be found HERE.

Make it up, try it, then let me know how you got on!

Stay healthy,


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