

Monday, 10 February 2014

A look at Meal frequency

Hi Guys,

Today I would like to talk about meal frequency. Now meal frequency is a real hot topic at the moment with things like the traditional set up of 4-5 meals a day, fasting, intermittent fasting and a whole host of other protocols (have a look at some of my thoughts HERE and HERE).

So whats best for you? Why would you specifically pick one type of eating strategy over the other? Before I give my opinion lets look at the pros of both.

Frequent eating (every 2-3 hours)
  • Keeps hunger at bay.
  • Constant flow of nutrients in the system.
  • Helps create good eating habits (meal timing, meal prep etc).
  • Supposedly helps stabilise blood sugar.
  • Easier to get more calories in if plan requires it.
  • may help increase metabolism.
Infrequent eating (fasting, 3 or less meals a day)
  • May increase insulin sensitivity
  • Frees time that would be used for eating, prepping meals etc.
  • Longer times between meals may lead to more fat burning
  • More like what man used to eat when living in the wild (more natural).
Ok this is the point where I say that both of these protocols can be disproved by studies, articles, interviews etc. According to research, neither of these protocols are better than the other. They were proved to be exactly the same. Most of the 'pros' that I have highlighted are theory and anecdotal evidence rather than actual proven science (I don't like the word 'fact' as there really aren't any in nutrition. Just what we think we know right now).

I will say that I use both protocols with my clients. Some clients use one protocol exclusively while some go between the two. Both are just as good as the other (what a cop out by me eh!), and it's all about what works best for the individual. Remember the best long term nutritional pal is one that you can stick to.

Personally I like having multiple meals a day simply because I like to eat often and I have a large appetite (I also like to train at least once a day). I have tried fasting with great success in the past and I am looking at adapting it to a new type of fasting for the future.

A good thread that has a few good links to articles and studies can be found HERE just ignore the squabbling etc :) 

All I will say is do the research, give both a try and let me know how you get on :)

If you have any questions, post them below or drop me a message on Twitter (@mike_unorthodox) or on the Facebook page 

Stay healthy,


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