

Monday, 10 February 2014


 Hey Guys,

How’s everything going?

As I said in a previous POST, 2013 was an amazing year that was filled with meeting great people, seeing amazing places and having new experiences.

However that year is now done and 2014 is upon us! Now I’m not a fan of making New Years Resolutions as I think that if you really want something then you’re just going to start doing it, you don’t need a specific day. With that in mind, I am very fond of setting goals! Goals move you forwards and hold you accountable for what you want to achieve. I am going to set out in this post a few of my business and personal goals for 2014 then come back and review them periodically.
I put all of my yearly goals on the whiteboard in my office/mancave to remind me every day that I have to be working towards something. I break everything down so that I know what I want to achieve per quarter, month, week and day. This keeps me focused on what I want to achieve!

Ok, so here are some of my goals for this year (this is a shortened list as I don’t think you really care about me trying to stop my dog eating cellotape).
  • Reach more people. By this I mean better educate myself on what platforms are best to reach people that need my help. Helping people is the main thing I love about my job and I want to do it more! This leads nicely into the second goal…
  • Talk to more people. I hate the term ‘networking’ as it really seems disingenuous and false. It makes me think of business card swapping and coffee mornings with people named Frank and Christophe. I want to talk to fellow geeky people who have a genuine love for all the crazy stuff I do. Whether that’s nutrition, life style design, JiuJitsu, Bourbon or any other of the bizarre stuff I love. I’m going to do this by trying to get more involved in social media a little more and just talking to people at events.
  • Educate myself. I mentioned in my previous post that I read pretty much every day, however I haven’t been doing this as much as I would like. In 2014 I will read 10 pages of a book every day (on top of my regular stuff), attend a minimum of 8 seminars this year, listen to 1 podcast a week and interview someone cool every month for this site.
  • Write more. I love writing and it is an art form that I have the utter most respect for. I want to continue to educate myself about it and write a minimum of 1000 words 6 days a week. Not all of this will see the light of day and most I will scrap, but it is the habit I wish to build.
  • Compete more. While I am very competitive with myself, I often lack the desire to compete against others. I feel like this is holding me back in certain areas of my life, especially jiujitsu. I plan to compete a minimum of 5 times this year with specific goals of what I want to achieve in them.
  • Work harder to create passive revenue for the business and find ways to automate it so that I can spend more time connecting with people and helping them.
  • Travel more. This doesn’t need to be abroad, but seeing new places is cool 
These are just some of the goals that I have set for myself this year and I really hope that you have done something similar.
Couple of tips for making sure you achieve them,
  1. Write them down and put them somewhere that you will see them.
  2. Tell someone who will keep you accountable (Dave why the fuck are you smoking? You will die early and never see your children get married etc etc).
  3. Review them. If you are miles away from what you said you wanted, man up and sort it out! Goals only work if you’re prepared to put the work in.
I was going to do a big long post on how people need to get motivated and what it really takes to become elite and smash goals but every one is writing about that kind of thing this time of year (HERE is a similar article I wrote a while ago).

Would you be interested in a rant? My most popular posts always seem to be when I’m shouting at you? Let me know in the comments!

Also don't forget that if you want to start your 2014 off right, you can still grab a bargain on a nutrition plan HERE

Let me know your goals and if you have any questions or ways in which I can help.

Stay healthy,


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