

Sunday, 20 April 2014

3 quick tips to help you with your diet!

Hey Guys,

I always say that the best diet is the diet that you can stick to!

You need to make a nutrition plan fit your own personal circumstances and your schedule.

Does this mean that you can just pick and choose what you want and not be dedicated?

Obviously not!

You need to have a well thought out, smart nutrition plan that is tailored for your goals and needs. However sometimes it is the little details that make or break a diet (I go over this a lot in my ebook). It is making sure that you make enough small changes that add up to a big change. As they say, success leaves clues.

So does failure.

Often diets fail for the same reasons. With that in mind, here are 3 quick tips that can be applied to any diet to help boost your chances of success!

  1. Drink enough water. This one is always over looked!! If you are on a nutrition plan from your coach it will most probably have a specific amount of water that you have to drink every day. NEVER JUST GUESS THIS. Water is responsible for just about every mechanism in your body including fat loss and muscle gain! Make sure that you measured out exactly how much water you are supposed to be taking in. Its really important!
  2. Being prepared. I have never met a single individual that was successful on any sort of nutrition plan that didn't do meal prep. There are a few coaches out there who say that meal prep isn't important and that anyone can achieve these results with some self control. I'm sorry but I'ver never seen it. Even worse is that these coaches got their physiques using tupperware and meal prep then tell others that they don't need to do it! Prepare your meals in advance and take them with you. Don't give yourself the opportunity to cheat.
  3. Don't jump around between diets. Sometimes people will see instant results when they start a nutrition plan, sometimes it takes a couple of weeks. Jumping from paleo to intermittent fasting to the anabolic diet will do you no good at all! Pick on nutrition principle and stick with it for a few MONTHS. the magic of any nutrition plan comes in the adjustments. Knowing what to adjust and when is what nutritional planning is all about. Stick with your plan and make sure to adjust at the right times. Listen to what your body is telling you (if you don't know what you body is telling you, speak to your coach).
These are just a few little tips that can help you stay on track with your nutrition and smash your goals!

Stay healthy,


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