

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

BJJ and soreness.

BJJ makes you sore.

There is no way about it.

I still remember the first time I rolled properly. For the next few days I felt like I had been run over. 

Some days I still do.

However I would say that mostly BJJ doesn't make me sore anymore (disregarding injuries). This made me think about soreness and recovery for BJJ. In other sports soreness is often an indicator for growth or that you have had a good training session. People wear it as a badge of honour, a sign that they have done a good job.

Do some people think this way about BJJ? Do you feel as though you haven't had a good session if you're not sore the next day?

One of the issues I have been thinking about is training frequency. Many state that the more that you can train BJJ, the better that you will get (pursuing their 10,000 hours etc).I would say that most people train BJJ 2-3 times a week with the more dedicated training 5-6. Are these people trying too be sore after every workout?

Now I am of opinion that you want to able to train AND recover as much as possible. Because of this I want to take steps to minimise soreness. This may include but not be limited to,
  • Foam Rolling and mobility work
  • Workout Nutrition
  • Foods high in anti oxidants
  • Foods that reduce inflammation
  • Very hot and cold baths and showers
  • Making an conscious effort to regulate my workout intensity.
  • Taking naps.
Now I don't do all off these, all the time. However I will always keep an eye on my recovery and how I am feeling. Training all the time and feeling like crap is not a goal of mine.

What about you? Do you chase soreness? Let me know below!

Stay Healthy,


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