

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Product review - Biotest Brain Candy


It seems that everyone is lacking it at the moment.

We are taking more stimulants thane ever have just to try to get through our days. Energy drinks, tablets, coffee, pre workouts, you name it, we're taking it.

Our lives seem to get more and more hectic with demanding jobs, pushy bosses, workouts, competitions, family, friends. There are a million different things that are all pulling us in a million different directions and some of us need that little bit of help to just get shit done in a productive way.

Now if you ask me, getting your diet sorted and getting proper rest and recovery should always be top of your list. It's amazing how much people change when I help them get these things in order and it really is one of the best parts of my job!

However what if you have all these factors in place but still want that extra kick now and again? It could be for early morning training sessions coming up to a fight or a particular demanding deadline over your head, this is when people look at a supplement that will help them.

I'm going to say right off the bat that I'm very sceptic of over the counter cognitive enhancers. most expect them to deliver a performance akin to the movie Limitless, however most just experience a mild buzz at best. I previously reviewed a product called Alpha Brain that had some pretty bold claims. I found them to be less than impressive.

Last year Biotest came out with the product Brain Candy.

They didn't market it as a brain or performance supplement but rather as a 'Mind Energizing Once-Per-Day Shot™ Helps to Increase Confidence, Reduce Social Anxiety, Improve Mood'.

Here is the nutritional information,

It is claimed to aid in the previously listed factors and comes with a whole host of research to back it. You can find a list of the papers and studies HERE.

So how did I feel on it?

I took the product over the course of a month and used the caffeine free version (I like coffee and don't want to over do my caffeine intake). I took it first thing on a morning, on its own about 30 - 45 mins before I ingested anything else. I basically got up, took Brain Candy, then walked my dogs.

Now normally it takes me a while to feel like I'm ready to write on a morning. It's always the best time for me to work as my brain switches off in the early afternoon then comes back on at night. When taking the Brain Candy I felt great. By the time I got back from walking the dogs I felt raring to go! Creative work was done a lot more quickly and efficiently and I got through boring tasks like admin and paper work better as well. It also worked well for early morning training sessions while I was helping clients get ready for the Subf15teen show (and we all know how you need to be alert when someone is trying to choke you).

Did I experience all the amazing effects that they state on the site? Well no. Some of the claims are flat out ridiculous and are blatant nonsense (if you claim to finish a 2 hour project in 15 mins it either means you weren't working very hard to the first place or you were high!). It's not a owner supplement that will change you from a burger flipper to a CEO over night. Only you can do that with hard work and dedication (not to mention a little help).

Is this a good supplement? Yes it is. If you apply some common sense (as you should with all supplements) it can have a positive effect on your productivity and work load. If you have a major deadline or assignment, or you know work is going to be crazy, then it can certainly help you.

Worth a look.

Stay Healthy,


At Unorthodox Nutrition we pride ourselves on recommending the very best products to clients and everyone else! With so many bad and irresponsible products on the market, we are going to help you sift through them and pick the very best ones!

All of the reviews are;

  • Impartial. We are not affiliated with any of the companies we review. If we have worked for the company on a consult bases, it will be high lighted in the review.
  • We are not paid for any reviews. Each product has been either bought by ourselves or has been sent for test by the manufactuer.

If you would like to have a product reviewed please drop us a line via the contact form on this site or E Mail 

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