Firstly this isn't a rant about supplement companies and the way that they market their products.
Every fitness professional has a rant about these companies and the way that they market their products to vulnerable and impressional people.
Well that's how advertising works. They make vulnerable and impressionable people buy shit.
If advertising and marketing didn't work, we would all live in huts, in the middle of fields and only care about what really matters in life. Instead we all want to have the nicest stuff and look the best we can so that we can impress other people.
The fact is, is that if you look at that advert in muscle and fitness that claims that by taking this tablet you will gain pounds of muscle, lose pounds of fat, get an amazing pump and possibly transform into the love child of The Hulk and Optimus Prime while doing your curls, then you deserve to be a little disappointed.
However there is something about appealing to our vain side that makes grown adults lose their minds. Most of us know that these supplements are either bogus or that the results have been exaggerated, but this still doesn't stop us.
There is a little voice in the back of our heads that just whispers, ever so gently,
"But it could work this time, you'll never know unless you try it..."
And we cave. We convince ourselves that there must be an easier way, and that this is it.
It isn't.
Now don't get me wrong, there are some great supplements out there that do a great job. They can really add the finishing touches to a programme. But that's all they are, finishing touches.
Nothing is going to beat good whole foods and a solid nutrition programme.
So if you're looking at buying a pack of that FREAKBEAST NITRO 3000, maybe you've only got yourself to blame when you don't turn into Phil Heath over night...
Stay Healthy,
Brands that I trust are,
Myprotein and Biotest UK
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