

Monday, 7 April 2014

Cutting weight for same day competitions.

Hey Guys,

One of the main questions I get asked is how to cut weight for same day weigh ins and competition.

A lot of people often find themselves a few pounds over on fight week and want to know the best way in which to get rid of them. Now the best option that allows for the very best performance is not to cut weight. You want to be at a point where you can have a few meals before you fight and come in fuelled and ready to go!

However we also live in a world where people aren't prepared and like to do things last minute...

The problem is that standard water cuts, dehydration and starvation is just stupid for any combat sport with a same day weigh in. Without 24 hours to re hydrate, get adequate fuel into your system and restore electrolyte balance etc it is just a recipe for disaster. It will lead to terrible performance and even injury.

I'm going to state at this point that messing around with weight cuts is no joke. People have died. Don't mess round with anything when you don't know what you're doing. SPEAK TO YOUR COACH AND DOCTOR!!!

So basically if you can't do a full water cut and you don't want to starve yourself then what do you do?

Well this week I am going to be doing a mini cut starting tomorrow showing a few little tricks that will help you shift a few pounds but still be optimal to fight and train. I will be updating everything on each day to give you a breakdown of what to expect. I will probably condense it into one post as well in case anyone misses anything.

More details coming tomorrow!

Stay Healthy,


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