

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Competition time!

Hey Guys,

As some of you will know I decided this week to enter VS Grappling at the last minute as a few of my team mates were doing the event and I haven't competed yet this year.

However as I haven't been in comp training mode, it also means that I have been walking around at 71KG instead of my comp weight of 67KG. SO what does this mean?

Well, it means that I get to eat loads of carbs on competition day :)

As the class cut off it 73.9KG I have quite a bit of wiggle room to make sure that I am fully fuelled for the comp.

So how will that look?

Here is what I plan to eat tomorrow.

Wake up

Check weight. If still 70 KG or under have a breakfast of oats and 2-3 slices of gluten free toast, 500ml water.


500ml water, 1 chicken breast, 200g white rice.


Weigh in.

Straight after have have 500ml water and 1 Biotest Finibar.

I will then have a Finibar for very 30 mins I am waiting to fight and sip on water.

When they call for my division to warm up I will take 2 servings of Biotest Plazma and warm up.

Then depending on whether I killed smashed by bigger gentlemen, I will have another 2 servings of Plazma between fights.

As you can see, this is mostly all carbs and a little protein with pretty much no fat. If I was right on the nose for weighing in or I had more time, these choices would change. The most important thing for me is to make sure I am rested, fuelled, and I don't have a big bloat going on from eating pasta or something along those lines.

Obviously this would change quite a lot depending on the client and the sport, but this is just to give you a quick glance into what I am doing.

Shortly I will be writing an article on how to set up your own eating for BJJ competition so stay tuned!

If you would like to see photos form the day and hear my ramblings then follow along on Instagram (@mikeUnorthodox) and Twitter (@mike_unorthodox)

Stay healthy,


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